Sunrise Grief Retreat Society


The Sunrise Grief Retreat Society is a Non Profit Organization of Multidisciplinary Health Care Professionals who offer residential retreats for persons who are grieving.

Mission Statement

To heal, renew and educate the bereaved.


To provide a safe and compassionate environment to explore the journey of grief

To uncover the mystery of grief and understand the many emotions of loss

To provide tools for healing and growth


We are pleased to be able to offer a Fall Retreat October 18-22, 2024 

See Registration and Contacts for more information 


I need not instinctively know what to do or how to be with my grief.

I can reach out to others who have walked this path before.

I learn that to ultimately heal, I must touch and be touched by the experiences of those who have gone before me. 

These people can offer me hope, inner strength and the gift of Love.  ~unknown

We encourage you to seek and/or continue with local support in your grief journey. 

In addition, we would like to offer you some links to some resources that we hope you will find helpful. 

The following list directs you to websites offering assistance and information on a variety of topics related to grief.

David Kessler’s website - author, trainer on grief, many resources and an on-line grief support group available here.


Since 1993, OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center has provided grief support services for individuals, schools, offices, and communities.


This section describes common features of grief and will help you to separate the myths from the truth about grieving


Welcome to the Center for Loss & Life Transition. Led by death educator and grief counsellor Dr. Alan Wolfelt.


The Compassionate Friends offers support in the grief and trauma which follows the death of a child; no matter the age or cause. We cannot hurry you through it, or take away the pain, but we can help you understand more about this life altering experience.

